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New adventures in digital identity

A few months ago, as I planned my move to a new Head of Social Impact role at Yoti, I started to do a little digging into who was saying what, and doing what, in the world of digital identity. At the risk of stating the obvious, it’s a bit of a hot topic right now (along with drones, big data, AI and 3D printing). I wasn’t surprised to find well over two dozen fairly recent papers and reports on the challenges and potential of digital identity in global development. Between accepting my new role and my start date, someone

3 min read

Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to be informed

You may have been hearing a lot lately about GDPR – the new data protection law that comes into force on 25 May. There is a lot of information and misinformation out there and it can be confusing to understand what’s going on and whether you should be bothered about it. One area of confusion is the rights you have, some of which have been strengthened or amended and some are new. Over the next few weeks we aim to demystify the rights with a series of blog posts – one on each right – to

6 min read

DataKind UK: using data science for good

We invest a lot of time and effort into supporting other socially minded organisations. As part of our efforts, we regularly invite those organisations to use our Park area for meetups, talks and workshops. Last week we hosted DataKind UK and Global Witness who spoke to a large audience of friends and supporters about their work uncovering problems in the UK’s Companies Register. In this guest post, Suzy East from DataKind UK tells us a bit more about the project they presented.   Using data science for good What do you get if you cross four do-gooding data scientists, a

4 min read

Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to have data restricted

The sixth article in our series on GDPR rights is about the right to have data restricted. Catch up on previous articles on your right to be informed, the access right, correction right,  deletion right, and the right to object.   Part 6: The right to have data restricted This right is not strictly new, as current law provides for a court to be able to order an organisation to restrict their processing of certain data, but GDPR makes it a right you can exercise directly with an organisation. This right is essentially like putting your personal data in limbo

3 min read

Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to object

The fifth blogpost in our series on GDPR rights is about the objection right. Catch up on previous articles on your right to be informed, your access right,  your correction right, and your  deletion right.   Part 5: The right to object There is already a right to object in current UK data protection law (the right to prevent processing), but it is set out a little differently to the GDPR right. In both current law and GDPR there are two aspects to this right: The right to object to direct marketing. The right to object to other processing of

5 min read

Getting to grips with GDPR: The right to request deletion

The fourth article in our series on GDPR rights is about the deletion right. Catch up on previous articles that cover your right to be informed, the access right, and the correction right.   Part 4: The right to request deletion There has been a lot of hype and misleading information about this right and it is often called ‘the right to be forgotten’. The reality is that there is no such right, and it has always been the case that your right is to request deletion, not demand it. This is a complicated right in that it only applies in

8 min read