2.5 million Scots are using myaccount and Yoti to improve everyday admin tasks

profile picture Sofi Summers 2 min read

In 2014, the Improvement Service, the organisation for local government improvement in Scotland, launched myaccount, a single sign-on portal that gives citizens access to different online public sector services. The Improvement Service started working with Yoti as some public sector services require a higher level of identity assurance.

  • Since launching, 50% of the eligible population (2.5 million people) are now using myaccount to make everyday admin tasks easier, quicker and more secure.
  • Over one million National Entitlement Card (NEC) applications have been submitted online, with Yoti verifying the identity of every applicant.
  • The time for someone to receive their NEC used to take around 4-6 weeks. It now takes around 5 days.


Solution: Yoti Digital ID
Industry: Government

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