Yoti Profile Picture


Yoti is a digital identity company that makes it safer for people to prove who they are. We started by empowering people with a free, reusable digital ID app that minimises the data they share with businesses. We now provide verification solutions across the globe, spanning identity verification, age verification, eSigning and authentication.

Yoti and Synetics Solutions partner to fight financial crime

Fighting financial crime with Yoti and Synectics Solutions

Our advanced identity verification technology is set to enhance the onboarding experience for financial services and help tackle identity fraud. Our partnership with Synectics Solutions is set to deliver simple, private and secure eKYC checks when people apply for financial services products.   Synectics Solutions For over 27 years Synectics Solutions has been at the forefront of developing leading-edge, data driven solutions for its clients, to help them create effective risk management systems and reduce their losses to fraud and other financial crime. Synectics’ clients have saved over £4.8 billion collectively through the use of these market leading link analysis,

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Yoti joins the world’s most innovative companies in the REGTECH100 2020

We are very proud to announce that Yoti has been selected as a REGTECH100 company. RegTech The REGTECH100 is an annual list that recognises the world’s most innovative technology solution providers who are addressing the challenges of delivering regulatory requirements within financial services. The regulatory technology industry has seen huge growth in recent years as it strives to meet the needs of financial institutions as they navigate unrelenting regulatory challenges. The key players The REGTECH100 list was born to help senior management and compliance professionals navigate and evaluate which solutions are most likely to have a lasting impact on the

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How we built privacy into the Yoti app

Just as the right to identity is a fundamental human right, we believe privacy is too.  Yoti was built to give everybody a simple and secure way of proving and protecting their identity, online and in person.  With the free Yoti app, you can create a digital ID that allows you to prove who you are in the most privacy-friendly way. It is built with data minimisation at the core and allows you to share less data to prove your identity or age. You’re in control to show only the details you need, to the businesses and people you trust. 

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A look at our biometric technology

As our everyday lives become more digital, traditional IDs lag behind. They reveal more information than necessary, don’t make it easy to prove your identity remotely, and are easily lost and expensive to replace. That’s why we built Yoti app – to give everyone access to a digital ID built for a digital world. It makes the everyday easier and enables you to share less data and securely store your personal details in a privacy-centric way. We use biometric technology because it’s currently the most secure way of proving that you are who you say you are and that your

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He who eats bread with you

B Corps are companies that use business as a force for good. The “B” stands for benefit, and refers to benefiting workers, benefiting the community and benefiting the environment. It is truly a revolution, driven by the nonprofit organisation B Lab, who are reminding us what companies can really do. Although the word “company” today may make you think of balance sheets and revenue, it actually originates from the French word compagnie: ”a society, friendship, intimacy; body of soldiers”.  If we look further back, we find the Latin phrase companio: “he who eats bread with you”. Companies were originally about

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A visual demonstration of all the use cases of digital ID in the world, from ecommerce to travel, finance to social media.

A different kind of company

Yoti isn’t like many companies in the identity space.  We were born from seven core business principles which feed into everything we do. We are held accountable to these principles by the Guardian Council, our independent committee of influential professionals who have expertise spanning human rights, consumer rights, online harms, data responsibility and sustainability. They make sure that we always seek to do the right thing, and that we are transparent about what we are doing and why.  We also have an Internal Ethics and Trust Committee that oversees the development and implementation of our ethical approaches and work

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