A step change in data protection and email phishing with digital identities and Galaxkey

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Email phishing is an age-old method of cybercrime that is becoming increasingly more sophisticated with modern technologies. According to Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations report, 36% of all cyber attacks involved email phishing, posing a huge threat to large organisations and individuals.

In an increasingly digital world where remote work is commonplace, it has never been more vital for organisations to protect their business operations. Following an annual increase of 25% in email phishing, looking towards email encryption is one way businesses can help to avoid future data breaches relating to cybercrime.

Our latest partnership with Galaxkey combines high-level encryption with biometric authentication technology to give recipients of an email a way of verifying the sender and protecting their data.


Know Your Customer (KYC)

Our identity verification solutions help businesses like Galaxkey to carry out their KYC checks and mitigate fraud across a range of industries, from gaming to financial services. Receiving secure emails with eKYC is a significant leap in email security. If implemented across the board, phishing emails could be eliminated.



This is thanks to Galaxkey’s secure data protection platform that enables users to secure their data and emails. The high-assurance security platform is underpinned with three levels of encryption, ensuring private information is sent securely.

By linking these emails to a digital identity, Galaxkey can now offer a way for customers to verify who is sending the email before opening it.


How does it work?

Users access the Galaxkey collaboration platform by scanning a QR code with their Yoti app to authenticate themselves. Check out the demo below.

When someone sends an email, the recipient gets a Yoti-stamped email and can easily verify the identity of the sender.

The recipient verification and the email transaction verification make it easy for organisations to ensure that the person sending the email is who they say they are.


Find out more

We are really excited about this powerful partnership and our potential to heighten cybersecurity across the globe.

To see for yourself how Galaxkey works, you can up for a 14-day free trial on their website.